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Pesquisar: Posts Feitos Por: Armory1031
Fórum: Compro 23-04-2009, 07:50
Respostas: 8
Visitas: 26,463
Postado Por Armory1031
Lightbulb A hero

A hero that can:1. Heal, but also tank and dps... hmmm, sounds familiar.2. That can heal and dps, but not tank... buzzzzzzz... already done.3. That heals through their tanking or dps abilities.4....
Fórum: Vendo 22-04-2009, 08:48
Respostas: 4
Visitas: 12,597
Postado Por Armory1031
Cool How far does this quest go

How far does this quest go, the one for the tiger? I have gone from 0 rep to 3000, and now will have to start all over again to 6000 - I don't know if I can stand it that long! How much will the...
Fórum: Vendo 02-04-2009, 09:02
Respostas: 6
Visitas: 14,463
Postado Por Armory1031
I think they expect me to hit 80 with a full purple outfit

I think they expect me to hit 80 with a full purple outfit, and it just hasn't happened yet. I have 4 purple items, 3 Warhammer Online Powerleve...
Fórum: Aprendizado & Técnica 02-04-2009, 09:01
Respostas: 29
Visitas: 61,947
Postado Por Armory1031
Cool Let us know about it here.

Have an idea for wow gold online board that we've overlooked? Let us know about it here. wow gold fast...
Fórum: Equipamento & Acessórios 01-04-2009, 08:54
Respostas: 8
Visitas: 19,486
Postado Por Armory1031
Wink After all your pet has done.

After all your pet has done warhammer dir (http://www.amuletdirectory.com/dir/Recreation_and_Sports/Games) for you, and you want to skin him? For shame. LOLThat reminds me of a Norse myth where Oden...
Fórum: Geral 01-04-2009, 08:53
Respostas: 2
Visitas: 15,385
Postado Por Armory1031
Thumbs up That makes me sad

That makes me sad. You guys didn't even give us a tinfoil hat. And trying to use the mote extractor as an excuse for our lack of actual methods of crafting useful things is weak.. Everyone knows that...
Fórum: Equipamento & Acessórios 31-03-2009, 07:53
Respostas: 11
Visitas: 23,514
Postado Por Armory1031
Cool Okay, I'm online.

Okay, I'm online, I'm going around killing cheap wow gold (http://www.wowgoldstudio.com/) things, and suddenly there's this 'We're looking for more people to join our FFXI gil...
Fórum: Equipamento & Acessórios 31-03-2009, 07:52
Respostas: 10
Visitas: 24,825
Postado Por Armory1031
Wink It seems it is time to part

It seems it is time to part buy wow gold (http://www.wowgoldstudio.com/) ways with my trusty two handed sword. We have been through thick and thin and travelled together for over ten levels. I stood...
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