
Vizualizar Versão Completa : Dividir "Cabanas" em Chillan

31-07-2008, 15:57
E ai galera, estou querendo fazer um snow trip pro chile, fim de agosto, ou comeco de setembro... Eu estava procurando por hospedagem em Termas de Chilan, e vi muitos esquemas legais de cabanas para de 5 a 10 pessoas a partir de 45000 pesos (Uns 90 dolares). As cabanas sao muito legais e de bom gosto... e vale muito a pena se dividir em algumas pessoas. Estou indo com minha namorada... naun marquei a data ainda, e estou bem flexivel quanto a isto!

Quem estiver a fim de dar uma economizada e fazer amigos entrem em contato comigo... fabricio.brugnago@yahoo.com.br

Estou tentando ver se acho algum esquema parecido proximo de El Colorado, alguem sabe se tem?

Leo Pires
31-07-2008, 21:30
Fala Fabricio,

o preço esta mesmo convidativo, mas da uma checada onde fica essas cabanas. Imagino q fique em Las Trancas, q esta a 7 km da estação e dizem q é meio chato o vai e volta.

Estou indo com amigos em meados de Agosto e vamos ficar nos condominios q esta ao lado do Grand Hotel.... esse sim vale muito a pena, ainda esta incluso os lifts e meia pensão.

Da uma checada nos posts sobre chillan, tem bastante info a respeito.


31-07-2008, 21:35
Tambem acho q vale mais a pena ficar nos condominios. a diferenca de preco eh minima e o conforto vale a pena

04-08-2008, 15:41
Eh em Las Trancas sim... Jah fiquei por lah... tinha o onibus que fazia o translado direto... era tranquilo... de qualquer forma, sobre os condominios, vcs tem algum site de referencia?

04-08-2008, 16:57
Eh em Las Trancas sim... Jah fiquei por lah... tinha o onibus que fazia o translado direto... era tranquilo... de qualquer forma, sobre os condominios, vcs tem algum site de referencia?


WEEKS June 14 July 5 August 2 September 6
Apartment to July 5 to August 2 to September 6 to October 18
Half A Apt. U$1.900 U$2.990 U$2.530 U$1.900
(Up to 6 Persons)

Weekly value by department includes: Accommodations, department equipped with sheets, towels, Refrigerator, Microwave, Crockery, Loza, daily service waiter, Right to Use Thermal Pool Club House and its own swimming pool. Access Casino Games Termas de Chillan, Transfer regular schedule in Chillan / Spa / Chillan or design / Spa / Concepcion (only for ski week). Any move away from regular schedule will be charged. Not include TAX.

Daily rates: Application after consulting availability (dates with restrictions), weekly base rate plus 10%

Terms and Conditions: Rates per department expressed in U.S. dollars (U.S. $), subject to change without notice. NOT include tax Rates subject to policy reserves and operation Hotelera SA Somontur

WEEKS June 14 July 5 August 2 September 6
Apartment to July 5 to August 2 to September 6 to October 18
Half A Apt.
2 Persons U$1.640 U$2.175 U$1950 U$1.640
3 Persons U$1.330 U$1.680 U$1.530 U$1.330
4 Persons U$1.160 U$1.430 U$1.330 U$1.160
5 Persons U$1.070 U$1.280 U$1.1800 U$1.070
6 Persons U$1.000 U$1.180 U$1.100 U$1.000

Weekly Value per person includes: Accommodations, department equipped with sheets, towels, Refrigerator, Microwave, Crockery, Loza Service, waiters daily breakfast and dinner at Club House, weekly ticket ski, Right to Use Thermal Pool Club House and Ñirres pool, Access Casino Games Termas de Chillan, Transfer regular schedule in Chillan / Spa / Chillan or design / Spa / Concepcion (only for ski week). Any move away from regular schedule will be charged. Not include TAX.

Daily rates: Application after consulting availability (dates with restrictions), weekly base rate plus 10%

Terms and Conditions: Rates per person expressed in U.S. dollars (U.S. $), subject to change without notice. NOT include tax I.V.A. Rates subject to the policies and operation of Hotel reservations Somontur S.A
WEEKS June 14 July 5 August 2 September 6
Apartment to July 5 to August 2 to September 6 to October 18
Standar Apt. U$1.265 U$2.000 U$1.780 U$1.265
(Up to 4 Persons)
Half A Apt. U$1.670 U$2.600 U$2.200 U$1.670
(Up to 5 Persons)
Half B Apt. U$1.550 U$2.300 U$2.100 U$1.550
(Up to 5 Persons)

Weekly value by department includes: Accommodations, department equipped with sheets, towels, Refrigerator, Microwave, Crockery, Loza, daily service waiter, Right to Use Thermal Pool Club House and its own swimming pool. Access Casino Games Termas de Chillan, Transfer regular schedule in Chillan / Spa / Chillan or design / Spa / Concepcion (only for ski week). Any move away from regular schedule will be charged. Not include TAX.

Daily rates: Application after consulting availability (dates with restrictions), weekly base rate plus 10%

Terms and Conditions: Rates per department expressed in U.S. dollars (U.S. $), subject to change without notice. NOT include tax Rates subject to policy reserves and operation Hotelera SA Somontur
WEEKS June 14 July 5 August 2 September 6
Apartment to July 5 to August 2 to September 6 to October 18
Standar Apt.
2 Persons U$1.330 U$1.680 U$1.580 U$1.330
3 Persons U$1.100 U$1.350 U$1.280 U$1.100
4 Persons U$1.100 U$1.180 U$1.130 U$1.000
Half A Apt.
2 Persons U$1.530 U$1.980 U$1.780 U$1.530
3 Persons U$1.240 U$1.550 U$1.430 U$1.240
4 Persons U$1.100 U$1.330 U$1.230 U$1.100
5 Persons U$1.020 U$1.200 U$1.130 U$1.020
6 Persons U$960 U$1.110 U$1.060 U$960
Half B Apt.
2 Persons U$1.430 U$1.830 U$1.730 U$1.460
3 Persons U$1.200 U$1.480 U$1.370 U$1.200
4 Persons U$1.070 U$1.260 U$1.200 U$1.070
5 Persons U$990 U$1.140 U$1.100 U$990

Weekly Value per person includes: Accommodations, department equipped with sheets, towels, Refrigerator, Microwave, Crockery, Loza Service, waiters daily breakfast and dinner at Club House, weekly ticket ski, Right to Use Thermal Pool Club House and Ñirres pool, Access Casino Games Termas de Chillan, Transfer regular schedule in Chillan / Spa / Chillan or design / Spa / Concepcion (only for ski week). Any move away from regular schedule will be charged. Not include TAX.

Daily rates: Application after consulting availability (dates with restrictions), weekly base rate plus 10%

Terms and Conditions: Rates per person expressed in U.S. dollars (U.S. $), subject to change without notice. NOT include tax I.V.A. Rates subject to the policies and operation of Hotel reservations Somontur S.A

04-08-2008, 17:00
Eh em Las Trancas sim... Jah fiquei por lah... tinha o onibus que fazia o translado direto... era tranquilo... de qualquer forma, sobre os condominios, vcs tem algum site de referencia?

como eh que pega esse onibus de las trancas pras termas?
aonde pega? lembra quanto eh? a que horas da manha comeca a circular esse onibus?
devo chegar cedo la e ainda nao tenho como ir de las trancas para as termas, ja q nao vou esperar o transfer da estacao