
Vizualizar Versão Completa : Ski-resort in Brazil?

14-02-2008, 19:28
I own an old ski-book in that is written a short note about an ski-resort in Brazil.
The only information is that it was closed in the 1970s. It was an resort with natural snow, none of these dry-slpoes you have in Brazil.

Does anybody have some information about this site (name, location ec.)?

If in portugese/spanish I will try to understand too, but better in english or german.

14-02-2008, 19:41
neve natural aqui no brasil, só se for aqueles floquinhos que caem em santa catarina ou no rio grande do sul AEHUHAUEHAEUHAUEhaueHae

I never knew about this

14-02-2008, 20:14
We are waiting for an investidor to open a indoor ski resort here in Brazil.

14-02-2008, 20:33

Essa foi a melhor de todas, putz vai ver que era la naquele teleferico de compos de jordao.... ahahah


14-02-2008, 20:58
There is an artificial ramp in São Roque on the outskirts of São Paulo. But it's not really a resort. The ramp has this plastic material where skis and snowboards can slide. From time to time they will do some specials events with crushed ice.

Now, there is this place in Teresopolis, on the mountains, 2 hours from Rio de Janeiro called Le Canton. This is supposed to be a swiss-like resort. They do have ski on the grass. They have this ski that has wheels on the base.

I hope this is of any help.
